Native Hunt 2008 Hunting Wrap - Up
Happy Holidays!

Jolon, CA - All of us here at Native Hunt want to wish you and yours a very happy holiday season, and hope that 2009 finds you well! It's been a big year here, and we want to thank all of our friends and clients for your support through the year.
Here's a quick wrap-up of what we've been up to since the last newsletter (in August).
Fall Hunts
Fall is traditionally the time when hunters take to the field across the USA, and that's no exception here at Native Hunt. The season kicked off here with the annual dove hunt, held over the Labor Day weekend. The invitation-only event brought together a fair crowd of hunters, bird dogs, and friends for a couple of days of fine food (thanks to the culinary expertise of Hank Shaw), high spirits, and some pretty danged good wing shooting! http://www.honest-food.net/blog1/2008/09/03/dovapalooza-or-how-i-grilled-zillions-of-doves/#more-456

The doves cooperated for the opener, as they'd been feeding in the Jolon Ranch barley fields all season, fattening up for the autumn migration. The opening morning shooting was hot and furious, as the birds moved from field to field. As limits were filled and the morning flight slowed, hunters repaired to the lodge for a fine lunch of roasted doves, slow-cooked wild pork, fallow deer, and mutton... all fresh from the Native Hunt fields!
Trading Places

Conditions were ideal, with a weather front pulling out and cold weather kicking off the rut. As a result, the first morning of the hunt found Michael, and his friend, Jeff perched on a rock overhang and looking down at a herd of deer that included at least one really nice buck.
Earlier in the morning, they had decided that Jeff would take the first shot, but he couldn't get the buck in his sights. As he moved to a new position, he told Michael to take the shot if he could get it. The buck turned broadside at approximately 275 yards, offering an opportunity that was too good to turn down. In moments, Michael had taken his trophy mule deer.
But the morning didn't end there. As Michael's buck was going down, another nice buck stepped out into the open. Jeff had settled into a new spot, and his rifle cracked. A second deer went down... all in the first half hour of the first day's hunt. http://www.cooncampsprings.com
Looking Forward
As 2008 fades behind us, we've still got a lot of great stuff on the horizon for 2009. With much of the work done on the Jolon Ranch, T. Michael has turned his attention to the Priest Valley property. This property hasn't been used by Native Hunt clients in over four years, but that will change in the coming season. Road improvements, water, and some other upgrades and maintenance are underway so that more hunts will soon be held on this great hog hunting property.