Native Hunt is dedicated to a pure outdoor experience, conservation and safety.
Outdoor Experience - Our beautiful Northern California ranch is one of the few properties of its size and quality still available for outdoorsmen to enjoy. With hunting land dwindling in California, due to urbanization and tougher tax laws, it is extremely important to keep our property thriving. Native Hunt takes great pride in keeping our property and animals in outstanding shape so that our guests will have a place to hunt and continue to experience our wild native lands.
Conservation - Native Hunt is constantly enriching our habitat by providing watersheds, planting perennial grasses and grain and maintaining a pesticide free, natural and self-sustaining environment. We do not share our hunting grounds with cattle herds which are known to eat every edible plant and leave behind Giardia, E-Coli and Mites, etc. All of our animals are very healthy so there is no danger of passing a disease on to our guests or their family when the meat is consumed.
Safety - At Native Hunt our guides are professionals and focus on "safety first." They cater to the ability of each individual hunter they work with an provide an exceptionally safe environment for all guests. One of the comments we get most often from our returning guests is that they "felt very comfortable and safe" with the Native Hunt guides.